
Pitch Sessions

Our agents and editors are offering a mixture of pitch sessions for $20, on-the-spot query critiques for $25, manuscript consultations for $55, and back cover blurb consults for $25. Reserve a face-to-face at the conference and get immediate feedback. Register to meet with an agent or editor with our Pitch/Consult registration form at registration.

Karyn Fischer

Emily Poole

Karyn Fischer

Heather Cashman

Karyn Fischer

Samantha Millburn

Karyn Fischer

Lynnette Novak

General Information

If you’re registered for a pitch or consult with an agent or editor, here is the information you’ll need to be aware of before the conference in September. Please note the due date for Manuscript and Query consultations. Emails will be sent to all registered attendees with the time slot for your appointment with one of our special guests.  Please arrive at least five minutes before your meeting’s start time. 

Dos and Don’ts



  • Come unprepared

  • Overstress or worry (agents and editors are book lovers just like you and they want to love your story)


  • Smile, breathe, be confident–not self-deprecating

  • Wear professional attire

  • Take notes

  • Arrive 5 minutes early for your session

  • Know the agent/editor you’re pitching to, be familiar with other books they’ve repped and what they’re looking for

  • Be gracious-no matter the outcome, thank them for their time

  • If they request a full or partial manuscript, make sure to follow their submission instructions

Manuscript Consults


These 20-minute critique sessions are for a ONE page query letter plus the first TEN pages of your manuscript. The agent/editor will pre-read the pages prior to your session and provide detailed feedback. It is imperative to send your pages by the due date as we send these in one batch to our agents/editors.

The pages are due by TUESDAY August 1, 2023, at midnight MST/AZ.

Query Consults


These 10-minute critique sessions are for a ONE page query letter plus the first page of your manuscript. The agent/editor will pre-read the query prior to your session and provide feedback. It is imperative to send your query by the due date as we send these in one batch to our agents/editors.

Materials are due by TUESDAY August 1, 2023 at midnight MST/AZ.

Pitch Sessions


Pitch sessions are 10 minutes where an author has a chance to give a short verbal introduction to a manuscript-typically around 30 seconds or less-and an agent or editor asks questions in order to learn more. Some authors may choose to write down their pitch on a notecard, which can be brought to the session.

Back Cover Blurb Consults


Geared toward Indie Authors:  These 10-minute critique sessions are for a 250-300 word back cover blurb. The editor will pre-read the blurb prior to your session and provide feedback. It is imperative to send your blurb by the due date as we send these in one batch to our agents/editors.

Materials are due by TUESDAY August 1, 2023 at midnight MST/AZ.
