

All conference faculty and current ANWA members who are registered for the conference are eligible to sell their books at the bookstore. You can sign up for the bookstore on our online Bookstore registration form with conference registration.

Display Space

The bookstore will assign spaces, which you will be shown when you check in. Space depends on how many authors sign up to sell their books. Some of the tables will line the wall, so you can use the wall space directly behind your table space for posters/banners (please check with hotel on what they allow to adhere those items to the wall).  A free-standing or table top display is preferable. The bookstore reserves the right to adjust the displays you have set up to fairly accommodate everyone.


You may place bookmarks, business cards or other freebies as part of your display. You may also leave a form requesting email addresses. Other items related to books that are being sold in the bookstore–for example, an audio book on CD, a DVD, or bookmark associated with a book being sold–are allowed. The bookstore is not a boutique to sell creative items, even if book related; it is to sell books.


  • Each author must be able to offer at least one tangible published book (multiple copies) for sale to reserve a spot in the bookstore.
  • The bookstore will be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Check with Bookstore overseer or cashier for specific hours.
  • You will not be able to sit at the table to sign or sell your book. There will be one central cashier. Cash, credit and debit cards will be accepted.
  • There is a 12% fee for each book sold, which is used to pay the cashiers and cover any costs of running the bookstore. The 12% will be deducted from the price you set for your books.
  • Sales tax will be added to the price you set. Do not include sales tax estimate in the price of your book(s).
  • You will receive payment via check or PayPal approximately four weeks after the conference.


The bookstore will be open for authors to set up their book display Thursday around noon and Friday morning. Exact times will be sent in August with your Bookstore Registration packet. Check with the registration area when you arrive at the conference. Each author is responsible for setting up their own display.

You place your books in the bookstore at your own risk, however the bookstore will be locked when the store is closed.


You must insert a business-card sized card, or use your actual business card, and write YOUR NAME, the NAME OF THE BOOK and the BOOK’S PRICE for each copy of your book(s). These business-card sized cards will be retained by the cashier after the sale in order to determine each author’s book sales.

You can leave extra copies of your book in a small box or small rolling suitcase if it fits under your portion of the table. It is your responsibility to put out more copies as your books are sold.
